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Helping you steer into the future with confidence

Charity Insurance
Risk Issues
  • Managing charity property

  • Regulatory compliance

  • Event Management and Cancellations

  • Inappropriate investments

  • Fire Safety

  • Health & Safety - Workplace accidents

  • Weather related Risks

  • Sale of second-hand goods and food

  • Accusations of negligence

  • Vicarious liability

  • Safeguarding vulnerable persons

  • Abuse

  • Volunteers and lone working

  • Fraud and Financial Crime

  • Chancel repair liability

Charity Insurance

Public/Products Liability Insurance

Protection for your organisation against claims from a client, customer or member of the public for death or bodily injury and/or loss of or damage to their property.

Crime Insurance

Cover for any financial loss arising from an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by an employee acting alone or in collusion with others.

Sector Profile

Many charities and not-for-profit organisations in the UK play an important part in the prevention or relief of poverty; advancement of education, religion, health, culture, human rights, animal welfare; environmental protection and community development.

Like any other organisation, a charity faces risks that could prevent it from achieving its objectives or meeting the needs of its beneficiaries.

We help our clients identify, assess and manage the risks that they face.

If you feel your insurance costs are spiralling out of control

Charity Insurance
Risk Solutions

Dominion can design an insurance programme that will provide adequate protection for your organisation. Please get in touch to discuss your insurance options.

Property Damage

Cover for loss of or damage to buildings and/or contents caused by an insured peril, loss of business income following property damage, "all risks" cover on specified items, electronic equipment, money, terrorism, goods in transit, personal accident and legal expenses.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Protection against claims arising from your professional services in the event of financial loss or reputational damage caused to a client, including investigation, defence and compensation costs.

Employers Liability Insurance

Protection for your organisation against claims made by employees who have suffered bodily injury or disease arising from and in the course of their employment.

Motor Fleet Insurance

Provides cover for loss of or damage to your own vehicles and third party liability for death, bodily injury and accidental damage to their property

Cyber Liability

Covering financial losses resulting from data breaches and other cyber events. The data may belong to customers, clients, employees or other parties.
Cover is available for first-party losses (own expenses) and liability to third parties. 
The data may belong to customers, clients, employees or other parties.

Cover may be extended for first party losses following theft and fraudulent acts through electronic means.

Charity Insurance

Charity Trustees Liability Insurance

Protection for trustees, directors, officers, committee members and governors against personal and other liabilities arising from running the organisation and the performance of their duties.

Cover can be extended to include Corporate Liability, Employment Practices Liability and/or Crime (Fidelity Guarantee) insurance.

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  Dominion Risk Solutions Limited is registered in England & Wales No. 11088983

  Dominion Risk Solutions Limited is an Appointed Representative of Momentum Broker Solutions Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the              Financial Conduct Authority                                                                                                              

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