How to notify a claim
Should you need to make a claim, it is essential that you give us notice in writing as soon as you become aware of the matter to comply with your policy terms and conditions.
Claim notifications can be received by post, telephone or email. You can call us on our dedicated claims line 07375822469 or email us at We aim to provide a first class, professional claims service which will strengthen our relationship and further acknowledge the advantages of being a client of Dominion Risk Solutions Ltd. Your dedicated claims handler will work with you to understand your needs and strategize how we will work together through the claims process to promote a satisfactory resolution. As we are sure you will appreciate, under the terms of your policy you must not make any admission of liability without the prior written approval of your Insurer. You must also take all reasonable precautions to prevent loss or damage and comply with any security or other loss prevention conditions in your policy.
The following information and/or documentation is required to support your claim. This must be provided at the time of notification.
Property Damage
When, how and where the loss occurred
Details of who discovered the damage (including date and time of discovery)
Original invoices
Replacement estimate/receipt
Police report/crime reference number where applicable
Liability claims
Full incident details including date, time, place and how it happened
Letter of claim from the third party
Nature of injuries and hospital details
Health and Safety report
RIDDOR report
Occupational Health records
Pre- and post-accident earnings details, where the claimant is your employee
Accident book entry
Witness statements
Photographs of the accident location, or detailed plan/sketch
Damage to property and estimated cost of repairs
Your views on liability
Contact details for further investigation
Personal Accident/Travel claims
Completed and signed claim form
Original receipts/invoices
Replacement estimates/receipts
Medical reports/medical certificates
Police or other relevant authority report
Motor claims
Insured driver details
Insured vehicle details including damage and location
Incident details including date, time, how it occurred, attributable blame
Third party details including injuries and contact details
Witness details and Police Report/Reference Number
Cargo claims
Original policy or certificate of insurance
Original or copy shipping invoices, together with shipping specification and/or weight notes
Original bill of lading and/or other documentation evidencing the contract of carriage
Survey report or other documentary evidence to show the extent of the loss or damage
Landing account and weight notes at final destination
Correspondence exchanged with the carriers and other parties regarding their liability for the loss or damage
Professional Indemnity, Crime, D&O and all other Financial Lines covers
Letter of claim or copy of proceedings from third party or explanation of why a claim might be made
Chronology of events and list of personnel/parties involved
Your views on liability
Copy contract/service agreement
Outline of quantum if estimable
We will acknowledge claim notifications within 24 hours of receipt and advise you about the next steps. We will proactively keep you informed about the progress of the claim. Your co-operation in providing any additional information requested is key to a successful outcome of the claim.