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You have worked hard to build your practice and reputation - we are here to help you maintain it...

We arrange professional indemnity insurance "PII" for all sizes of law firms, whether you are a new start-up, sole practitioner, small firm or national practice.

Through our in depth knowledge of the insurance market, our expertise in the legal sector and commitment to excellence, our team of experienced professionals can arrange competitively priced PII which is compliant with the SRA's minimum terms and conditions. We can also arrange excess layer (top-up) cover where you require a higher limit in excess of your compulsory primary limit of indemnity.  

Risk Issues
  • Client/Office Account Fraud

  • Cyber attacks

  • Drafting errors

  • Employment Practices

  • Incorrect advice

  • Instructions not followed

  • Missed time limit

  • IHT incorrectly incurred

  • Service issues

  • Successor practice issues

  • Run Off cover

  • Failure to carry out land searches

  • Failure to register charge

  • Incorrect distribution of estate/trust property

  • Litigation error

  • and other mistakes and allegations of negligence

Solicitors Professional Indemnity (PII)
Risk Solutions

Our tailored products for your practice:

Solicitors PII

Protection for claims made against you by your client or third party arising from private legal practice in connection with your business. Cover is available on a civil liability basis which includes professional negligence, breach of contract, breach of confidentiality, defamation, dishonesty of employees, infringement of intellectual property rights etc. Cover for defence costs and liability for claimants costs and expenses is also available.  

Office Insurance

Cover for loss of or damage to buildings and/or office contents, electronic equipment, business interruption, money, terrorism, employers liability and public liability. 

Solicitors Professional Indemnity (PII)
Why insure with Dominion?

We believe when choosing an insurance broker, it is not about the size of the firm but the expertise and service provided by the broker. We offer big firm experience whilst maintaining small firm values. In simple terms, we are big on producing results. From cover placement to claims handling, Dominion will take care of your insurance needs:

  • Specialist brokers for the legal sector

  • Independent Insurance Broker – not tied to any one Insurer 

  • Direct access to a wide range of "A" rated SRA Participating Insurers

  • Strong relationships with Insurers

  • All year-round personal service – your trusted professional adviser

You could potentially benefit from our free, no obligation review of your professional indemnity insurance.

Existing Firms:

New start-up:

Download the application form here

Download the application form here

Solicitors Professional Indemnity (PII)

Cyber Liability

Covering financial losses resulting from data breaches and other cyber events. Cover is available for first-party losses (own expenses) and liability to third parties. 

Cover may be extended for first party losses following theft and fraudulent acts through electronic means. The data may belong to customers, clients, employees or other parties.

Management Liability

Protection for directors, officers, principals, supervisors and managers against personal and other liabilities arising from running a solicitor practice.

Cover extends to include corporate liability, disciplinary proceedings brought against COLP, COFA and MLRO and investigation by the SRA's Forensic Investigation Unit.

Crime Insurance

Cover for any financial loss arising from an act of fraud or dishonesty committed by an employee acting alone or in collusion with others.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

Cover for any financial loss arising from any employment claim made against the practice by any past, present, future or prospective employee.

Dominion Insurance- whatever your requirements, we have the insurance expertise to deal with it.

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  Dominion Risk Solutions Limited is registered in England & Wales No. 11088983

  Dominion Risk Solutions Limited is an Appointed Representative of Momentum Broker Solutions Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the              Financial Conduct Authority                                                                                                              

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